It is the tradition of MEPCAM to provoke active participation of her project participants during project trainings and throughout the execution of the project. During the Entrepreneurship Awareness Campaign and Dissemination Forum, the participants were shared in small workshop groups in which they reflected on the concept of entrepreneurship and enterprise development as inscribed in 2Kings 4:1-7. After this exercise, they were given the opportunity to share their discoveries with respect to the workshop when doubts and questions were clarified. At the end of the session, they were excited to share their discoveries and how they were challenged and encouraged to work hard in starting and developing businesses that will help them provide for their basic needs like clothing, medication, and food which many face difficulties meeting these needs.

The training that took place at the training center was carried out by means of workshops, followed by power point presentations. At the end, feedback forms were filled by participants which revealed how they were greatly challenged and motivated to work on identifying business opportunities from within their community and thinking on how to provide a profit generating solution to it. They also shared their business ideas/interest and how they intend to develop them into full-fledged projects that will yield profit for them.

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