Our Services

Enterprise Development Training(EDT)

We raise missional entrepreneurs who are trained on entrepreneurship and enterprise development to enable them build businesses that will impact their lives, their families, and their communities at large.

Practical Skill Acquisition

After training, we send trainees to a three-month practical (on-the-job) training to equip them for the businesses they intend to begin. This training forces the entrepreneurs to encounter with the true meaning of Ministry Service in business

Financial Empowerment

The practical training ends with a fundraising event whereby we use our partners and the people close to these trainees to raise startup capital for the trainees. In addition to this fund, MEPCAM provides an amount of interest-free loan for all trainees to invest in their businesses and refund in six months.

Business Mentoring and Follow Up

As they establish their businesses, MEPCAM help to visit and coach them to stand tall as missional entrepreneurs, We follow up and ensure their success through our mentoring sessions with the entrepreneurs.

Business Networking Forums

We host regular business events for the entrepreneurs to network and meet other entrepreneurs as iron sharpened iron


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