MEPCAM challenged some thirty-seven vulnerable individuals in Bertoua, Cameroon’s East
region, urging them to “Think Outside the Box” during a transformative mass entrepreneurship
campaign on Saturday, July 20th, 2024.

This three-hour initiative, orchestrated by MEPCAM partners in Bertoua, united a diverse spectrum of participants—widows, orphans, teachers, Christians, Muslims, and graduates—under the banner of “THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.”

Drawing inspiration from the biblical tale of the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7, the campaign sparked a
revelation among attendees. Many who had previously perceived themselves as impoverished
realized that their poverty was more a state of mind than a concrete reality.


Nsallo Bissonge’s impassioned presentation catalyzed a profound shift; as these participants began embracing the identity of “Entrepreneurs,” igniting a collective determination to leverage local resources—much like the widow’s oil—to establish sustainable poultry enterprises.
Armed with newfound optimism and a strategic roadmap, these aspiring entrepreneurs pledged to invest their time and resources to uplift their families and communities.


The promise of these budding poultry businesses resonates not merely as a means of economic empowerment, but as beacons of hope, promising a brighter future for all that will eventually benefit from the birds they will eventually receive

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