Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they After the awareness campaign and dissemination forum organized in Bomaka community, MEPCAM invited the selected persons to the training ground where they were all involved in the planning and implementation process for a better impact on them. From this meeting, we were able to further understand the needs (literacy level, language barrier etc) which could be a barrier in the implementation of the project. This helped us to adjust the training material and training style to suit their context. Also, the roles and responsibilities of both parties were discussed and agreed upon. A review of the project was done to give participants a big picture of the project, they were given opportunity to ask as many questions as possible to clear their doubts and improve on their understanding of the project. This also triggered a sense of seriousness and ownership of the project in them.

The training that took place at the training center was carried out by means of workshops, followed by power point presentations. At the end, feedback forms were filled by participants which revealed how they were greatly challenged and motivated to work on identifying business opportunities from within their community and thinking on how to provide a profit generating solution to it. They also shared their business ideas/interest and how they intend to develop them into full-fledged projects that will yield profit for them.

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